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  • Visits for Prospective Parents/Carers

    Thu 04 Nov 2021 Mrs Daniel

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    As the time approaches for applications to primary schools to be submitted for entry in September 2022, I would like to invite you to visit our school to have a look round, meet our children and ask any questions you may have.

    The visits will take place on:

    Monday 22nd November at 2pm

    Tuesday 23rd November at 10am

    Please contact the school office to let us know which visit you will be attending. If you are unable to make these times but would like to look round, please do phone or email the school office to arrange an alternative time.

    We are currently operating under enhanced safety measures with regard to Covid-19 and ask that all visitors to school take a lateral flow test prior to their visit or can show their NHS Covid passport. Staff are also wearing face coverings in public areas around school and we ask that visitors do the same, in order to protect our school community.

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to meeting you soon.

    Yours sincerely,


    Mrs Alison Daniel


    0161 912 2728


  • Welcome Back

    Tue 21 Sep 2021

    Uniform and Equipment

    Good morning,
    The children have settled back into school life very well and our Reception children have made a great start to their time at St Mary's. The class staff will be in touch with you soon with information about Open House Zoom meetings. They will share information about priorities for learning and class routines. Please try to attend if you can. I will also be sending out a letter with dates for your diary.

    A few reminders regarding uniform and equipment in school:-

    - Please ensure that all items of uniform and equipment are clearly labelled with your child's name including coats, hats and gloves as the weather gets colder.
    - Bags - the only bag that children in Reception to Year 3 should be bringing to school is a book bag. We do not have storage space for large backpacks, and the book bags allow class staff to organise and change reading books much more efficiently.
    - Water bottles should only contain water. Having juice or squash in water bottles is extremely bad for children's teeth.
    - Unless there is a prior arrangement with senior staff, children should not be bringing nuts or nut products into school in case they have contact with someone who has a severe nut allergy.
    - Nail polish is not permitted in school.
    - Hair which is shoulder length or longer should be tied up.
    -Jewellery is not permitted for safety reasons. Plain stud earrings are fine as are watches but should be removed on PE days.
    - PE kit should be worn on PE days. Only school jumpers/cardigans should be worn along with black shorts/joggers and a plain white t-shirt.

    Any questions, please get in touch.
    Many thanks

  • Trafford 500 Word Story Competition

    Mon 19 Jul 2021 Mrs Daniel

    We are incredibly proud of Nicole in Year 6. Her entry into the Trafford 500 word story competition was commended and has been published in a compilation of the successful entries. She deserves every bit of her success and we look forward to reading more of her published writing in the years to come! Congratulations Nicole!


  • Eco-Schools Silver Award!

    Mon 12 Jul 2021 Mrs Daniel

    Our Eco-Council have been working hard over the last two years to achieve the next stage in our Eco-Schools journey. The work began last year with our committee led by Dylan E and Emily B who left last year and the following children who are still with us:-
    Ethan M - Year 6
    Beth R - Year 6
    Lucca A - Year 5
    Morgan O - Year 5
    Amber C - Year 4
    Dilan M - Year 4
    Diamond S - Year 3
    Mason B - Year 3
    Holly W - Year 2

    The work of the committee was curtailed by the pandemic but this half term, Morgan and Lucca have worked with Mrs Lee-Manford to complete the application and we received notification last week of our successful application for the Eco-Schools Silver Award! This is an amazing achievement for our school and I would like to thank Mrs Lee-Manford, the Eco-council and everyone who contributed. Congratulations!

  • Welcome Back

    Fri 23 Apr 2021

    Welcome Back!

    Hopefully we will have a gradual return to normality, however school guidance hasn't changed yet. We will still be maintaining our class bubbles and minimising contacts for now until we are advised that it is safe to mix again.

    Therefore I would urge you to continue to respect social distancing at pick up and drop off times, keep your children with you rather than letting them run round with their friends before and after school (they will play together once they are in), and wear a mask when on school premises.

    See you soon!

  • Trafford Schools Sports - Webinar for Children's Wellbeing

    Thu 21 Jan 2021

    Below is a link to a useful webinar for families from Trafford Schools Sports Partnership: Supporting Children's Wellbeing through Physical Activity. Click on the link then 'download' to view the webinar:


  • Remote Learning

    Thu 21 Jan 2021

    Remote Learning

    I have just had a meeting with the staff to talk through how the remote learning is going and to discuss any concerns. We are well aware of how difficult all this is for families at the moment, especially if parents and carers are working from home.

    The staff have been incredibly impressed with the levels of engagement from the children and the attendance on the zoom calls.

    I've also had lots of conversations and message exchanges with parents over the last week. The feedback from parents and carers so far has been that the learning tasks we are setting are about right and that the zoom calls are helping.

    Some parents have shared concerns that their children are having 'up and down' days when their mental health is suffering. Below is a link to ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support. There are some really lovely free activities which you can download and use with your child if they are struggling with lockdown.

    Some parents have talked to me about printing - please be assured you don't need to print the sheets that are posted. The children can read them on the screen and write answers in their books. If you are downloading tasks on a phone, please get in touch and ask for one of the tablets which might make things easier.

    The teachers have asked me to remind the children of a few things about the zoom calls though:-

    This is your school day. You must be up and dressed and demonstrating good listening skills in the same way you would be doing in class. Some parents have contacted us regarding specific reasons why their child needs to have their screen off, but these are the exceptions. Please have your screen on and be dressed and ready to learn in your work place e.g. sitting at a table.

    I look forward to seeing you on your zoom calls in the morning.


  • Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award!

    Fri 06 Nov 2020 Mrs Daniel
    Yesterday was a very important day in school. We had our assessment day following our application to be considered for the RRS Silver Award having achieved the Bronze award back in 2018.

    Mrs Hodgkinson and the Children's Rights Ambassadors have worked incredibly hard towards this award and I am absolutely delighted to be able to tell you that we passed with flying colours!

    The assessor reviewed the evidence we submitted, then dialled in remotely and interviewed staff and groups of children, including the ambassadors and she was incredibly impressed with all she heard and saw. Our children were amazing and the feedback we received was wonderful. The assessor said the children were articulate, confident and had a good knowledge of Children's Rights. She said they were empowered and knew they could make a difference both in school and in the wider community. It was lovely to hear that even on a Teams call from the north of Scotland, the assessor was able to get a feel for our school, our values and see all the work we do in practice.

    We are very proud of this achievement as we believe this work prepares our children to take their place in society as responsible, caring citizens. In keeping with our school value 'Future', the work won't stop. Onwards and upwards to the Gold Award!
  • Invitation to Prospective Parents

    Wed 30 Sep 2020 Mrs Daniel

    Invitation to Prospective Parents

    We are an inclusive school community and our core values of ‘Faith Family Future’ are at the heart of all we do. If you are looking for the next educational step for your child and would like to find out more about what St Mary’s can offer you and your family, please join us for one of our remote meetings when you will have the opportunity to find out more and ask questions. 

    This year, we are holding remote visits for Prospective Parents. We would love to be able to show you round in person, but unfortunately this year due to Covid restrictions and the layout of our building, it is just not possible. We appreciate that choosing your child’s Primary school is a hugely important decision and you should have the opportunity to find out as much as possible about all of your options.

    We will be holding three remote Zoom meetings for prospective parents to give you the opportunity to find out more and to ask questions.

    Wednesday 14th October at 1:30pm

    Thursday 15th October at 10am

    Thursday 15th October at 5pm

    The link below is the same one for each meeting.


    Meeting ID: 853 678 5580

    Passcode: 582733


    If these dates are inconvenient, please do get in touch with the school office via email or phone and we will arrange an alternative appointment.

    We look forward to meeting you soon.

  • Lunch Time Assistant position

    Wed 08 Jul 2020 Mrs Daniel

    We have an opportunity for a Lunch Time Assistant to join our team from September 2020. If you are interested and would like further information, please contact the school office on 0161 9122728 or email

