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  • Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award!

    Fri 06 Nov 2020 Mrs Daniel
    Yesterday was a very important day in school. We had our assessment day following our application to be considered for the RRS Silver Award having achieved the Bronze award back in 2018.

    Mrs Hodgkinson and the Children's Rights Ambassadors have worked incredibly hard towards this award and I am absolutely delighted to be able to tell you that we passed with flying colours!

    The assessor reviewed the evidence we submitted, then dialled in remotely and interviewed staff and groups of children, including the ambassadors and she was incredibly impressed with all she heard and saw. Our children were amazing and the feedback we received was wonderful. The assessor said the children were articulate, confident and had a good knowledge of Children's Rights. She said they were empowered and knew they could make a difference both in school and in the wider community. It was lovely to hear that even on a Teams call from the north of Scotland, the assessor was able to get a feel for our school, our values and see all the work we do in practice.

    We are very proud of this achievement as we believe this work prepares our children to take their place in society as responsible, caring citizens. In keeping with our school value 'Future', the work won't stop. Onwards and upwards to the Gold Award!
