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  • Key Stage Two Arts Festival

    Tue 27 Feb 2024

    Arts Festival

    On Tuesday 19th March, we will be holding our Arts Festival for KS2 pupils. This is an opportunity to showcase the outstanding talent we have in school and celebrate the effort that children have put in over many years to develop their skills in arts subjects. We know that we have many talented musicians, dancers and artists in school because we give out many certificates in our awards assemblies. We would now like to give those children the opportunity to perform.


    The Year 5/6 choir and the Year 3/4/5 Cheerleading Club will be performing and we hope to have a range of pupils from KS2 showcasing their talents too. We would like to invite pupils to put their names forward to be on the programme if they meet any of the following criteria:-


    • They have been having lessons to learn to play a musical instrument for a sustained period of time and/or play to the equivalent of Grade 1 or above
    • They regularly attend dance classes and have a performance piece prepared for a show or exam
    • They attend speech and drama classes and have a performance piece prepared for a show or exam


    Art work from our talented KS2 artists will be on display during the performance. The performance will take place at 6:30pm in the school hall with arrival from 6:00pm for refreshments and an opportunity to view artwork on display. KS1 and Reception children will already have seen the dress rehearsal which will take place on Monday 18th March and so should not attend in the evening. Tickets for the performance on Tuesday 19th March will be available nearer the time.

    If your child is interested in performing and has a piece/dance prepared, please complete the form on the reverse of this letter and return it to school as soon as possible so that we can organise the programme. If your child requires an accompanist for their piece or will supply a backing track, please indicate on the slip.


    Members of the Year 5/6 choir and the Cheerleading club should also indicate on the form whether they are available for the performance.


    We are really looking forward to a fantastic evening of music, dance, art and drama and would like to thank you now for all the encouragement and support you give your children with their arts pursuits.


    Thank you for your continued support.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mrs A Daniel (Headteacher)

