Uniform and Equipment
Good morning,
The children have settled back into school life very well and our Reception children have made a great start to their time at St Mary's. The class staff will be in touch with you soon with information about Open House Zoom meetings. They will share information about priorities for learning and class routines. Please try to attend if you can. I will also be sending out a letter with dates for your diary.
A few reminders regarding uniform and equipment in school:-
- Please ensure that all items of uniform and equipment are clearly labelled with your child's name including coats, hats and gloves as the weather gets colder.
- Bags - the only bag that children in Reception to Year 3 should be bringing to school is a book bag. We do not have storage space for large backpacks, and the book bags allow class staff to organise and change reading books much more efficiently.
- Water bottles should only contain water. Having juice or squash in water bottles is extremely bad for children's teeth.
- Unless there is a prior arrangement with senior staff, children should not be bringing nuts or nut products into school in case they have contact with someone who has a severe nut allergy.
- Nail polish is not permitted in school.
- Hair which is shoulder length or longer should be tied up.
-Jewellery is not permitted for safety reasons. Plain stud earrings are fine as are watches but should be removed on PE days.
- PE kit should be worn on PE days. Only school jumpers/cardigans should be worn along with black shorts/joggers and a plain white t-shirt.
Any questions, please get in touch.
Many thanks