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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4.

Long Term Plan (2023-2024)

Summer 2

Summer 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Summer 1

Summer 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

History - How did the Romans impact Britain today? 

In today’s first history lesson, the children became fact finding hunters and went on a search for new information about the Romans impact on Britain. Once the children had collected new facts, they wrote a list of questions they had regarding the new information. We will work together over the next term to find answers to those questions and expand our knowledge of the Romans. 


Spring 2


Spring 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

In Class Worship 


The children worked in groups to gather information about the Easter story. They then planned a short worship session to share with the other classes in school. 

Rivers Fabulous Finish 


The children worked so hard throughout our rivers topic in geography. Throughout our Fabulous Finish, the children remembered all of the key learning for our geography lessons and were able to confidently share all of their new river knowledge with the grown ups. 

Whole Class Reading


 We will be reading Running on the Roof of the World as our '3 O'clock Stop' book, meaning we will be reading it at the end of each day. 

This book offers great insight into other cultures from around the world and exposes the children to a range of interesting vocabulary. 



We will read ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’. The children will begin by making predictions about the text, by exploring the front cover and the blurb of the book.

We will then use the information from the text to write letters and diaries, from the perspective of the main character. We will read ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’. The children will begin by making predictions about the text, by exploring the front cover and the blurb of the book.

We will then use the information from the text to write letters and diaries, from the perspective of the main character.

Spring 1

Spring 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable


New Year Resolutions

As part of our English lessons in our first week back at school, we will be reading The Word Collector. The children will be setting an intention for themselves for the new year by choosing one word. We will begin by creating a vocabulary chart which will be used all year as we collect new words as a class. 

Over our first days back in school we have been reading The Word Collector. This is all about a boy called Jerome who loves collecting vocabulary that he reads, hears and sees. We have used this book to choose a word of the year. Instead of setting specific new year resolutions, the children have all chosen a word that is going to support them throughout their year. They thought of some fantastic words!

New Year Resolutions
Maths with a twist! 

Thinking about the new year, Year 4 have been thinking about the things that they would like to add, subtract, multiply and divide in their lives over the next year.

Whole Class Reading

This half term we will be reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. As part of our whole class reading, we will be using this novel to analyse and make predictions, as well as writing informal letters.


Each day, we will be analysing a range of texts using the reading

VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarise)

Throughout these daily sessions, the children will be given the opportunity to read aloud,

discuss opinions and participate in whole class discussions relating to the given text.




Readtheory is a fantastic online platform which supports children's reading and comprehension skills. 
Please use the following link to access the Readtheory login page: 

The children created a story map to describe the events of a section of the story.

Bitesize Bootcamp

Year 4 will be taking part in weekly Bitesize Bootcamp sessions with Ruth. These sessions will run each Wednesday afternoon. (17th Jan)

'With our KS2 groups, we begin to really focus on building up repetition count per exercise,

 increasing weights and targeting specific muscle groups. We infuse invasion games into each session to emphasise the link between functional training and team sports. We discuss nutrition and healthy food choices and what types of food we can eat to fuel workouts, sports and performance.'

(Bitesize Bootcamp Website)

Autumn 2

Autumn 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Autumn 1

Autumn 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Whole Class Reading

In our English lessons, we will read ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl.

We will make predictions, analyse interesting vocabulary and infer information from the text. The children will practice writing sentences including commas, connective adverbs and imperative verbs. This grammar will then lead to the children writing their own set of instructions on how to make their own marvellous medicine. We will be reading Akimbo Adventures as our Whole Class reading book at the end of each day. This books provides the children with a fantastic insight into different cultures around the world.


Long Term Plan (2022-2023)

Summer 2

Summer 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Summer 1 

Summer 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Whole Class Reading



We will read ‘The Animals of Farthing Wood’ as our Whole Class Reading Book. 

Throughout our English lessons, we will focus on a range of texts including; The Story of Romulus and Remus, which will link to our Roman topic in history. This will give the children the opportunity to analyse, plan and write a story with a focus on the myths and legends genre.


Each day, we will be analysing a range of texts using the reading VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarise) Throughout these daily sessions, the children will be given the opportunity to read aloud, discuss opinions and participate in whole class discussions relating to the given text.



Readtheory is a fantastic online platform which supports children's reading and comprehension skills. 
Please use the following link to access the Readtheory login page: 


Science - Electricity


How do I construct a simple circuit? What is the difference between common conductors and insulators? 


This unit is the first introduction to studying electricity in Key Stage 2. The children will learn about what electricity is and how it was discovered. They will identify which appliances use electricity in their homes and how to keep themselves safe. Children will construct circuits, start to create pictorial circuits and conduct an investigation into how easily different types of switches can break and reconnect a circuit.

Making a basic electrical circuit.

History - The Romans

Please use the Knowledge Organiser to support your pre-learning of key vocabulary and the Romans timeline of events. 

Roman Artefacts
Year 4 spent their history lesson observing a range of different Roman artefacts. They worked in groups to try and identify what the artefacts were and what they were used for. 


Bitesize Bootcamp

Year 4 will be taking part in weekly Bitesize Bootcamp sessions with Ruth. These sessions will run each Wednesday afternoon. 

'With our KS2 groups, we begin to really focus on building up repetition count per exercise, increasing weights and targeting specific muscle groups. We infuse invasion games into each session to emphasise the link between functional training and team sports. We discuss nutrition and healthy food choices and what types of food we can eat to fuel workouts, sports and performance.' (Bitesize Bootcamp Website) 

Session 1

Throughout our first Bitesize Bootcamp session, the children had to focus on a pattern of hop, leap and jump. Some children found this tricky to begin with, but with perseverance they were all able effectively carry out the pattern by the end of the lesson. 

Session 2

Today’s Bootcamp session involved the children practicing their jumps and run ups, in order to develop their distance when doing long jump.  

Spring 2

Spring 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Spanish fortune tellers.

Year 4 have been learning all about the different parts of the body in our Spanish lessons. The children have made fortune tellers to help them with their learning. 

Workout Wednesday.

Geography Fabulous Finish.

Year 4 have been learning all about rivers and the water cycle in our geography lessons. As we came to end of our topic, we invited our grown ups into school to share all of our amazing knowledge with them. 

Handball training sessions

Year 4 are only on their second week of handball training and they have already made so much progress. I am so impressed. We are really looking forward to trying out our new skills in a game next week. 





We will read ‘The Girl Who Stole an Elephant’ this half term. The children will begin by making predictions about the text, by exploring the front cover and the blurb of the book. We will then use the information from the text to write letters and diaries, from the perspective of the main character.


Spring 1 

Spring 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

As part of our Rights Respecting day, we had a visit from a police officer and her police dogs. She spoke to the children about their rights and what she does, with the help of her dogs, to keep us safe. 

Bitesize Boot Camp.

This half term, year 4 are taking part in Bitesize Boot Camp sessions each week. The children will be focusing on learning how to play skittle ball, developing their team working skills and their hand-eye coordination. 

Geography lesson.

Year 4 are learning all about rivers in geography this half term. This week’s focus was identifying world famous rivers. The children had to work with their partners to identify the 10 famous rivers in an atlas, and then mark them on to their world map. All of the children were incredibly focused and enjoyed investigating. 

New Year Resolutions.

Year 4 thought about the year ahead. We thought about some of the things we would like to add, subtract, multiply and divide this year. 

Autumn 2

Autumn 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Spanish triaramas

Year 4 made triaramas in Spanish to show the names of shops and places you might find in a town. 

Year 4 leading ‘In Class Worship’

Year 4 led ‘In Class Worship’ with a focus on Advent. The children shared their knowledge with the classes throughout school and encouraged them to make an advent promise. 

Cricket training sessions.

Year 4 enjoyed six weeks of cricket sessions, where they developed new skills and knowledge about the game. It was wonderful to observe the children progressing each week and improving their skills and understanding of the game. 

Multi Sports Event

We joined a selection of year 4 classes from schools in our area at Flixton Girls High School to partake in a multi sports event. The children were exposed to a range of new activities and had the opportunity to learn and practise new skills. 

Autumn 1

Autumn 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Our weekly library sessions.

The children love having our weekly session in our school library. They are given the opportunity to explore new books and choose a reading for pleasure book which can be taken home. 

Musical instrument making in science.

Year 4 have been learning all about sound in our science lessons. We made our own musical instruments in order to discover how vibrations work. 


Long Term Plan (2021-2022)

Summer 2

Summer 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Commonwealth Baton Ceremony


Year Four had the privilege of taking St Mary’s Commonwealth Baton to Urmston Primary today. Our wonderful sports leaders and baton design winner did an amazing job and delivered our baton with such pride. 

Summer 1

Summer 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable



We will read ‘The Animals of Farthing Wood’ as our whole class reading book.

Throughout our English lessons, we will focus on a range of texts including; The Story of Romulus and Remus, which will link to our Roman topic in history. This will give the children the opportunity to analyse, plan and write a story with a focus on the myths and legends genre.



This unit is the first introduction to studying electricity in Key Stage 2. The children will learn about what electricity is and how it was discovered. They will identify which appliances use electricity in their homes and how to keep themselves safe.


Children will construct circuits, start to create pictorial circuits and conduct an investigation into how easily different types of switches can break and reconnect a circuit.




Discover more interesting facts about electricity using the following links:



Spring 2

Spring 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable



Through out English lessons we will be reading the book 'Running on the Roof of the World'. We will also be reading this as our '3 O'clock Stop' book, meaning we will be reading it at the end of each day. 

This book offers great insight into other cultures from around the world and exposes the children to a range of interesting vocabulary. 



In science this half term, year 4 will be learning all
about Animals, including Humans, Teeth and the
Digestive System.


Use the link below to start your learning:





This half term we will be continuing to focus on rivers. We will be learning all about river pollution and what we can do to help. At the end of last half term, the children displayed their knowledge about their chosen world river as an information poster. They completed independent research to gather the information, then decided how they wanted to display it. 

Art and Design


In art this half term, we are going to be focussing on Vincent Van Gogh’s landscape paintings. We began by practising how to draw in perspective. Here are some of the examples of this work below:

Spring 1

Spring 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable


This half term, year 4 will be reading 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' throughout our English lessons. The children will be focusing on making predictions about the story, analysing the characters and

writing descriptive paragraphs about the different settings. 



In geography this half term, year 4 have been learning all about rivers. We have created a geography working wall to help us remember the different stages of a river. 

PSHE/Heart Smart

Our Heart Smart focus this half term is 'Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy'. This helps us to think about the feelings of others and not just about ourselves. We have already discussed how we can show love to others through kind words and actions. 

Autumn 2 

Autumn 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable

Multi Sports Festival 


Year 4 will be starting this half term writing poetry all about autumn. We will use our senses to help describe what we can see, hear, smell, feel and taste throughout the autumn time. Using these ideas, we will begin to write our poems. Once our poems are completed we will use water colour paints to design an autumn themed boarder, to frame our final poem. 

The children are really enjoying our weekly trips to our school library.


Year 4 performing a Spanish poem all about bonfire night.

Still image for this video

Autumn 1 

Autumn 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home

Sample timetable


Whole Class Reading Books 

This half term, we will be reading George's Marvellous Medicine and An Elephant in the Garden. We will make predictions about both books, analyse any interesting vocabulary and infer information from the texts. 


Long Term Plan (2020-2021)

Summer 2 

Summer 2 - Overview of learning and how to help at home. 

Summer 2 - Sample timetable. 


This half term, Year Four will be reading The Animals of Farthing Wood and The Girl Who Stole an Elephant, as our 'Whole Class Reads'. 

Music - Wider Opportunity Flute Lessons 

Year Four have been taking part in a Wider Opportunity flute lesson, for the past two half terms. They are learning: how to make a sound with their flute, beginning to read music, identifying the rhythm and beat of a piece of music and learning a new song. We are having an amazing time learning a new skill. 

This video shows the children reading music alongside playing the flute. They are practicing to play the B note on their flute.

Still image for this video

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats. 

To begin our 'Living Things and Their Habitat' topic in science, we were lucky enough to meet some very interesting animals, from The Little Zoo.
 We had the opportunity to touch the animals and learn so many new facts about each of their habitats. 

Summer 1 

Summer 1 - Overview of learning and how to help at home. 

Summer 1 - Sample timetable. 


Earth Day 2021 

Year 4 have been busy creating information posters all about Earth Day. 

Spring 2 

Spring 2 - Overview of learning and how to help at home. 

Spring 2 - Sample Timetable.


This half term, we will be reading The Akimbo Adventures for our class novel. The story will provide the children with an insight into how children live in Africa and will allow them to compare the two different cultures.  


Spring 2 - Fractions and decimal places. 





Spring 1 

Spring 1 - Overview of learning and how to help at home.


This half term, year 4 are reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe for our class novel. 








Spring 1  - Multiplication and Division 


Science - States of Matter 


Autumn term 2020 

Autumn 1 - Overview of learning and how to help at home.
Sample Timetable 

Science -Sound   




Year 4 Long term plan 2019 - 2020

Spring term 2020 

Spring 2 - What we are learning.
Sample timetable - Spring 2 

Spring 1 - What we are learning.

Sample timetable - Spring 1

Geography - Physical geography, rivers and the water cycle. 

Science - Animals including humans, digestion and teeth. 

As part of our science topic about teeth and the digestive system, year 4 have set up an experiment to investigate the effect of different drinks/liquids on our teeth. We placed an egg into coffee, tea, water, lemonade, vinegar and covered the 6th egg in tooth paste before adding it to the coffee. We will review the experiment on Monday to find the results. 

Sample timetable

Autumn 2 - What we are learning.

Autumn 1 - What we are learning.






Year 4 2018 - 2019

Welcome to our class page. Information about our learning will be added as the year goes on. Looking forward to an exciting, busy year ahead.




Curriculum Overview Autumn 1 2018

Year 4 Long term plan


River models.


2016-17 in Year 4

Meeting the author Andy Seed.

Christmas golden time - baking.

Making candles in RE.

The heart of our classroom is friendship.

