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Year 3

Summer 2

Welcome back to the last half term in Year 3. I hope you have all had a restful holiday and are ready to work hard!


In English, we will be reading  different biographies and exploring the features of biographies before writing a biography about a person of our choice. We will then move on to writing our autobiographies. 

Maths- Time

We are going to be learning to tell the time this half term. The children will be learning to tell the time to the nearest five minutes on digital and analogue clocks. We will also be recapping days of the week and months of the year and we will look at how to use a calendar. 

Geography- Earthquakes

In geography, we will be looking at what earthquakes are and how they occur. We will discover why some places are more prone to earthquakes than other and we will discuss what we should do to stay safe during an earthquake. 


In art, we will be looking at the work of L.S. Lowry. We will attempt to create some of our own artwork in the style of Lowry. 














Summer 1

Welcome back. I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and are well rested, ready for the busy term ahead!


In English, we are reading Secrets of a Sun King. This book supports our history learning all about Ancient Egypt. 

Secrets of a Sun King - class text


In maths, we are going to be learning about capacity and volume before revisiting fractions.  


In history, we are learning all about Ancient Egypt and other civilisations from that time. See what you can find out by reading the information on the link below. 


We will be learning all about the life cycle of plants in our science work during the summer term. The children will take part in investigations and observe plants to identify what they do and don't need to thrive.


Handwriting is very important and we practise our neat, cursive handwriting everyday in school. Click on the link to remind yourself how to form letters correctly using cursive handwriting. Then you can have a go at home.

Below are the Y3/Y4 spellings. Keep practising them and see if you can increase your score each time.

Hit the Button is a super maths game for practising maths skills including times tables and number bonds. 






















Spring 2

Welcome back to another busy half term of fun. I hope you have all had a restful week!

Our English texts this half term

In science, we are learning all about forces and magnets. Click on the links below to watch the videos and have a go at some of the activities. 
In design and technology we are going to be exploring packaging and creating our own packaging for biscuits. 

Spring 1 2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to another busy and exciting half term in Y3. We have lots of new learning taking place. Click on the links above to see what will be happening in the classroom and how you can help at home. 

The Firework Maker's Daughter

The Firework Maker's Daughter is our first class text for the Spring term. 

We are learning all about the UK and our local area in geography this half term. Click on the links below to play some geography games. 

In science we are learning all about light and dark and how shadows are formed. 



Autumn 2

Welcome back to another busy and exciting half term ahead. Click on the link above to see what we will be learning in class and how you can help at home. 

This half term in English we are continuing to read 'We Three: A Stone Age Prophecy', a story about three children that find themselves lost in the Stone Age. Heather Wolstenholme, the author of 'We Three', is coming in to school to talk to us about the book and answer any questions we may have. 

In science, we are learning about animals, including humans. We will be discussing nutrition and functions of  skeletons and muscles. Click on the link below to find out about the human body.  

Following on from our Stone Age topic, we are going to be learning all about life in the Bronze Age and Iron Age and how these time periods are similar and different to Stone Age life. Click on the links below to learn more. 

In computing, we are going to be looking at computer simulations. The children will be exploring the reasons why computer simulations can be useful. There are lots of simulation activities on Purple Mash which the children can work on at home. 

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 3!

I hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for many exciting learning opportunities in Year 3. Click on the links above to find out what we will be doing this half term and how you can get involved at home.  

Our first class text is called Stone Age Boy. Click on the link below to listen to the story online.

Stone Age Boy

In Science, we are learning all about rocks and soils. Have a go at some of the rocks and soils activities on Topmarks, to help you to understand more about this topic.


Click on the links below to find out more information about our history topic, the Stone Age as well as information about our R.E. topic, the celebration of Harvest. 
