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What's on this week

Workout Wednesday – Wednesday 11th March

Children are to wear their school P.E. kit to school all day. They must wear a white t-shirt, black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings, trainers and their school jumper. Please ensure your child has a water bottle with them. We would also like to see all parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders getting involved in the before and after school workout sessions. Working at your own level, your involvement will have a huge impact on the children’s perceptions and understanding of the importance of being active. This activity will count towards our marathon challenge.

Sports Relief – Friday 13th March

This year, we will be linking our marathon challenge with Sports Relief.
On Friday 13th March, children can come to school in their favourite sports kits and will be taking part in several activities that will count towards their marathon challenge. Children are asked to bring a donation of £1 into school to support our fundraising.
