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Welcome Back.... 29th April 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been a busy first week back at school- full of learning, fun and excitement. For the first time, probably since before Christmas, we have had all our staff and the vast majority of our children in! I sincerely hope that disruption due to covid is beginning to settle down at long last.

This week, Year 2 have welcomed Miss Parkar who will be covering Mrs McAllister’s maternity leave for us. She has settled in very quickly to our school family and we hope she enjoys her time with us.

Today, we say a temporary farewell to Mrs McAllister who begins her maternity leave. I am sure you would like to join with me in wishing her and her husband the very best of luck and all our love for the safe arrival of their beautiful baby. We look forward to meeting baby McAllister very soon- but not before Mrs McAllister has had chance to have good rest and put her feet up for a while!

Best wishes for the Bank Holiday weekend.

Mrs Daniel
