Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
Spring 1
Happy New Year! We have lots of exciting things happening this half-term. Click on the links above to see what we will be learning.
In English this half-term, we are reading The Firework Maker's Daughter.
Autumn 1
I hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for many exciting learning opportunities in Year 3. Click on the links above to find out what we will be doing this half term and how you can get involved at home.
Our first class text is called Stone Age Boy. Click on the link below to listen to the story online..
Stone Age Boy
In Year Three, you will begin to write using a pen in all of your workbooks so it is very important that we practise our neat, cursive handwriting everyday in school. Click on the link to remind yourself how to form letters correctly using cursive handwriting. Then you can have a go at home.
Below are the Y3/Y4 spellings. Keep practising them and see if you can increase your score each time.
Spellings Y3/4
Hit the Button is a super maths game for practising maths skills including times tables and number bonds.
In Science, we are learning all about rocks and soils. Have a go at some of the rocks and soils activities on Topmarks, to help you to understand more about this topic.