Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
The Year 1 teacher is Mr Collingwood and we also have the fantastic Mrs Taylor and Mrs Thirsk working with us too! We have lots of exciting learning planned for you this year!
In Year 1, we continue to use the ReadWriteInc scheme as the foundation for our phonics teaching.
The Year 1 Long Term Plan is here.
Words to practise for the Phonics Screening
Links to help at home
Additional links to support learning at home
Teach your Monster to Read - Phonics learning app
BBC Supermovers - Great maths songs to learn and move to
Spring 1:
Read the Spring 1 overview here.
In English, we are reading Meerkat Mail followed by a non-fiction piece about Meerkats.
In science, we are learning about Animals including Humans, focusing on the different types of animals. Click here to see some videos this.
In maths we are focusing on place value and addition/subtraction up to 20. Here is fun game to play to help with counting on.
In RE, we are learning all about Judaism. BBC Bitesize have some nice, short videos on this.
In Geography, we are learning about Hot and Cold places. Learn more here.
Autumn 2:
Read the Autumn 2 overview here.
Here and here are some maths games to practice at home.
In science, we are learning about Animals including Humans. Click here to practice a song about the 5 senses.
In RE we are learning about the Nativity Story.
Autumn 1:
Read the Autumn 1 overview here.
In science, we are learning about the different seasons, click here to play a song Year 1 love to sing.

Harvest activities

Superhero maths
Maths games

Throwing and catching ideas

Watch Smarty the Penguin to be safe online

Practise your Spanish at home