Year 4
Long Term Plan (2024-2025)
Spring 1
Spring 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home
Sample timetable
Autumn 2
Autumn 2 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home
Overview of learning - Autumn 2
Sample timetable
Autumn 1
Autumn 1 - Overview of learning and how you can help at home
Overview of learning - Autumn 1
Sample timetable
Whole Class Reading
In our English lessons, we will read ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl.
We will make predictions, analyse interesting vocabulary and infer information from the text. The children will practice writing sentences including commas, connective adverbs and imperative verbs. This grammar will then lead to the children writing their own set of instructions on how to make their own marvellous medicine. We will be reading Akimbo Adventures as our Whole Class reading book at the end of each day. This book provides the children with a fantastic insight into different cultures around the world.